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Joshua Whiting

learner, writer, creator, librarianish person

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I’ve forgotten and failed everything meta I meant to do. I’m afraid to look at this website, I’m afraid to look at my notes, I’m afraid to look at the stacks of books on and around my desk, I’m afraid to look back at all my open tabs.

Just keep stacking it on, I guess? Open more tabs. Continue to live my life occasionally and a little bit, with no commentary or performance.


I’ve forgotten and failed everything meta I meant to do. I’m afraid to look at this website, I’m afraid to look at my notes, I’m afraid to look at the stacks of books on and around my desk, I’m afraid to look back at all my open tabs.

Just keep stacking it on, I guess? Open more tabs. Continue to live my life occasionally and a little bit, with no commentary or performance.

Except this, I guess.

Standalone post link: Open More Tabs


I'm reading The Wild Robot Protects by Peter Brown. [ 72% ] 📚

The Wild Robot Protects - Cover

“We’re just following orders!”

Those last words hung in the air for a while.

“You are just following orders, said Roz at last. “In a way, you humans are more robotic than I am.”

Wow, this actually goes pretty hard for a kids book. Then on the next page she spirals, learning the destructive mining is all for building robots like her. And then it’s like the orca yacht attacks but at oceanic industrial scale.

Can humans and animals and robots all get along and save the oceans? We’ll have to see…


“We’re just following orders!”

Those last words hung in the air for a while.

“You are just following orders, said Roz at last. “In a way, you humans are more robotic than I am.”

Wow, this actually goes pretty hard for a kids book. Then on the next page she spirals, learning the destructive mining is all for building robots like her. And then it’s like the orca yacht attacks but at oceanic industrial scale.

Can humans and animals and robots all get along and save the oceans? We’ll have to see…

Past Log Updates

DATE : 2024-08-29

Reading with my son, finishing out the trilogy.

Actually, I have no idea if it is a trilogy or if it is going to keep going even after this one.


Standalone post link: Reading Log: The Wild Robot Protects


Robin Sloan’s mini-site around Moonbound is so great.

Welcome to the Dragon Moon


Robin Sloan’s mini-site around Moonbound is so great.

Welcome to the Dragon Moon

This afternoon, after I finished reading Moonbound, I read pretty much everything that is posted there so far (looks like there is more to come.)

I’m excited to see where he goes with this series next, and his virtual book tour broke my heart a little bit when he talked about his book not becoming a bestseller despite his hustle, because I recognized that though I have a parasocial connection with this author, following his newsletter for years and feeling like I know him, I didn’t even come through with a pre-order on this book for him. Some kind of parasocial imaginary friend I am.

I’m relieved he seems to be proceeding with this series, despite our collective neglect. I hope his publisher feels the same way, and I hope he’s right that it will be a slowly percolating success.

I intend to re-read it with my son if he’ll let me, as soon as we’re finished with The Wild Robot Protects.

P.S. My son for his own “challenge” read for school is starting in on that very massive Earthsea omnibus which Sloan shows in a post about Le Guin on the site.

Standalone post link: Moonbound MIni-Site, and the Failures of Even My Parasocial Connections


I made two syrups this afternoon - chocolate and lavender


I made two syrups this afternoon - chocolate and lavender

(I guess technically they are chocolate-vanilla and lavender-vanilla syrups)

Went by these recipes (two-recipe split view, since I did them at the same time in two different sauce pans)

Standalone post link: Two Syrups


I read Moonbound by Robin Sloan. 📚

Moonbound - Cover

What happens next?


What happens next?

Past Log Updates

DATE : 2024-09-11

This book is at least as fun to think about when I can’t be reading it as it is to actually read it.

I guess what I’m saying is the world and the ideas and pretty much everything is very appealing, but I’m not desperate to rip through it to find out what happens. Vibes.

DATE : 2024-09-07

Put this aside for a little while but now I’m back to reading it actively.

DATE : 2024-08-21

Looking at Robin Sloan’s latest newsletter today inspired me to finally start reading his book over any and all other possible choices…such as reading any number of other books I’ve started or meant to start soon, re-watching Dune and Dune, Part 2 because for some reason I can’t get them out of my head, playing any number of video games, or continuing to putter around in my email, the News app, etc.


Standalone post link: Reading Log: Moonbound


I listened to Pointy Heights by Fousheé. 🎵

Pointy Heights - Cover Art

Possibly could be listening to this one obsessively, remains to be seen. Loved the unusual, diverse productions on some of these tracks, retro but fresh sounding: some seemingly lovers rock type stuff, some 80s electro Afropop-type stuff, etc. Feels almost like listening to some nuggets comp or some DJ on community radio with impeccable taste for old international grooves. Don’t know the story yet on if this is her own production work or if she collaborated with someone on this, but I guess I’ll look into it.


Possibly could be listening to this one obsessively, remains to be seen. Loved the unusual, diverse productions on some of these tracks, retro but fresh sounding: some seemingly lovers rock type stuff, some 80s electro Afropop-type stuff, etc. Feels almost like listening to some nuggets comp or some DJ on community radio with impeccable taste for old international grooves. Don’t know the story yet on if this is her own production work or if she collaborated with someone on this, but I guess I’ll look into it.

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Standalone post link: Listening Log: Pointy Heights


I listened to My Method Actor by Nilüfer Yanya. 🎵

My Method Actor - Cover Art

Listened to this twice and I zoned out for the last few tracks both times. I don’t think I’m going to be replaying this as obsessively as I did PAINLESS.1 But maybe, if for no other reason than to figure out what I actually think about this album or if I can come to like it as much as her old stuff. Or if I add it to a playlist of her whole discography and start shuffling…


Listened to this twice and I zoned out for the last few tracks both times. I don’t think I’m going to be replaying this as obsessively as I did PAINLESS.1 But maybe, if for no other reason than to figure out what I actually think about this album or if I can come to like it as much as her old stuff. Or if I add it to a playlist of her whole discography and start shuffling…

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  1. I’m surprised I actually have a note to link to about that album; I thought I hadn’t accounted for most things that I listened to, one of the reasons I started this listening log nonsense even though I use last.fm ↩︎

Standalone post link: Listening Log: My Method Actor


I listened to Is This It by The Strokes. 🎵

Is This It - Cover Art

For murky reasons I don’t understand, “Last Nite” has been in my head for days and nights now. The other morning, with the song in my head yet again, before walking out the door I scanned my shelves and pulled this actual decades-old-CD in its jewel case and took it to my car and slid it into my car’s actual CD player, and I’ve been listening to it on loop whenever I am driving ever since.


For murky reasons I don’t understand, “Last Nite” has been in my head for days and nights now. The other morning, with the song in my head yet again, before walking out the door I scanned my shelves and pulled this actual decades-old-CD in its jewel case and took it to my car and slid it into my car’s actual CD player, and I’ve been listening to it on loop whenever I am driving ever since.

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Standalone post link: Listening Log: Is This It


I listened to Rose Main Reading Room by Peel Dream Magazine. 🎵

Rose Main Reading Room - Cover Art

This wasn’t quite what I was hoping for after the first track I heard, but it is nice.


This wasn’t quite what I was hoping for after the first track I heard, but it is nice.

I need to stop this “hoping” and “expectations” nonsense and just accept what is offered for what it is. If something doesn’t meet my imagined hopes and expectations, maybe what that means is that I should get off my butt and create the thing I’m imagining…

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Standalone post link: Listening Log: Rose Main Reading Room


I listened to Ghosts by Hania Rani. 🎵

Ghosts - Cover Art

Very nice. One from last year I never spent much time with, but a track came up on shuffle and I immediately wanted to hear the whole album.


Very nice. One from last year I never spent much time with, but a track came up on shuffle and I immediately wanted to hear the whole album.

Vibe is almost like getting another Radiohead album (think A Moon Shaped Pool) but without Thom’s intensity and occasional caterwaul. Not that there’s anything wrong wIth Thom, its just, to get caught in one of these beautiful instrumentals, almost expecting that voice to jump in at any moment, followed by the absence of it, and Rani’s voice instead, is a kind of relief and a blessing, you know? Like the plans you were anxious about were just cancelled, and now you can just read a book or play a video game or listen to this music or whatever and not have to deal with going out.

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Standalone post link: Listening Log: Ghosts

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