Sneaky Sasquatch

Date Started:
Date Finished: 2025-02-01
Times Played: 1
Genre / Strand: Canadian indie game - feels like a genre to me
Platform: Apple Arcade > MacBook Pro
Game Link
The friendmaking challenge really threw me off and I stopped playing this for a long time, but I finally got back to it and pushed through to finish the main storyline. I kind of love this game.
This game has been hillarious to me and I probably should write something more about it and my weird reaction to the friendmaking part. It is silly and fun but also has an occasional dark satirical and slightly cynical take on human society. Or maybe I’m bringing my own issues to the game. This is what I should probably explore. But not today.
Date: 2024-05-11
Apparently I love Canadian video games?
I’m hooked after starting this on a whim one day while browsing Apple Arcade for the first time on my laptop. I’d wanted to play something on the Switch but not enough to kick my kids off the Switch.