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Joshua Whiting


Now and Next (September 1, 2024)


  • rewilding my front yard
  • working at the same job I have had for fourteen years
  • reading a bunch of wild shit
  • walking around my neighborhood without my dog, sometimes for miles and miles


  • develop a consistent writing/making practice
  • sort out the listening log on this site
  • sort out everything else on this site
  • be social on the web again
  • go on some wilderness adventures in the fall

This reflects my ‘now’ page update of September 2, 2024. Please visit that main now page to see my dynamic log galleries, as well as an archive of prior and newer ‘now’ updates.

Credit for the ‘now’ page concept goes to Derek Sivers. I tend to get aspirational when I update it, so I’ve decided to embrace that by calling it ‘now and next.’

Last Updated:
Format / Genre: updates
People: Joshua Whiting
Series + Sources: now
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You have found joshuaw.xyz, my weird little home at the end of the internet. Copyright 2005-2024 Joshua David Whiting. About this site.