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Joshua Whiting


Moonbound MIni-Site, and the Failures of Even My Parasocial Connections

Robin Sloan’s mini-site around Moonbound is so great.

Welcome to the Dragon Moon

This afternoon, after I finished reading Moonbound, I read pretty much everything that is posted there so far (looks like there is more to come.)

I’m excited to see where he goes with this series next, and his virtual book tour broke my heart a little bit when he talked about his book not becoming a bestseller despite his hustle, because I recognized that though I have a parasocial connection with this author, following his newsletter for years and feeling like I know him, I didn’t even come through with a pre-order on this book for him. Some kind of parasocial imaginary friend I am.

I’m relieved he seems to be proceeding with this series, despite our collective neglect. I hope his publisher feels the same way, and I hope he’s right that it will be a slowly percolating success.

I intend to re-read it with my son if he’ll let me, as soon as we’re finished with The Wild Robot Protects.

P.S. My son for his own “challenge” read for school is starting in on that very massive Earthsea omnibus which Sloan shows in a post about Le Guin on the site.

Last Updated:
Format / Genre: updates
People: Robin Sloan
Series + Sources: links with occasional context
Topics: parasocial relationships reading books websites
Works Cited: Moonbound by Robin Sloan A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. LeGuin

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