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I'm reading Still in a Dream: a Story of Shoegaze 1988-1995 by various authors again. [ ↻ 60% ] 📚

Still in a Dream: a Story of Shoegaze 1988-1995 - Cover

This is more listening than reading, but it is formatted as an actual book with probably 40+ pages of liner notes and essays to go along with 5 compilation discs to listen to. Since I did sit down and read it like a book, I’m listing it as reading as well. I’m not marking it as completed yet because I haven’t finished listening to all of the songs, nor my various side quest deep dives into individual albums and artists associated with this compilation and era.

I happened upon this in the Salt Lake City Public Library catalog while I was searching for something else, and I’m so glad I did get the physical copy. Having all the essays and band biographies there at hand was so helpful, and I think this is much more thorough than some random “Shoegaze and Dream Pop” playlist one could get from the streaming platforms. Also, though this comp is offered on the streaming platforms, the physical version is much more generous, with more than double the tracks of the streaming version, including many from the most notable artists.

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Reading Log Metadata / Details

Goodreads Link - Still in a Dream: a Story of Shoegaze 1988-1995 (ISBN: )
Library Link (usually Worldcat) - Still in a Dream: a Story of Shoegaze 1988-1995
Date Started: 2024-12-14
Times Read: 1
Genre / Strand: music history, essays, liner notes

Last Updated:
Format / Genre: log entries updates
Series + Sources:
Topics: books reading
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