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I stopped reading Metamorphosis and Other Stories by Franz Kafka ; translated by Michael Hofmann. [ Paused at 35% ] 📚

Metamorphosis and Other Stories - Cover

Stopped after the 1912 stories and “The Stoker” because I meant to jump over to Amerika next, but then I read other things and continue to want to read other things. I do intend to still come back to this, though. I should put entries for the individual first edition published pieces I did read so at least it they come up on my reading log gallery…

Past Log Updates

2024-07-04 :

Finally starting a deep dive back into Kafka. Intend to read most of his works in roughly the order they were written, so I’m reading the 1912-1913 works in this anthology and then I will jump out of this to read Amerika, then probably jump back into this, then read The Trial, possibly unpublished stuff like Investigations of a Dog, and so forth. Kafka stories blew my mind when I was in high school; we’ll see what happens as a 44 year old.


Reading Log Metadata / Details

Goodreads Link - Metamorphosis and Other Stories (ISBN: 9780143105244)
Library Link (usually Worldcat) - Metamorphosis and Other Stories
Date Started: 2024-07-01
Times Read: 1
Genre / Strand:

Last Updated:
Format / Genre: log entries updates
Series + Sources:
Topics: books reading
Works Cited:

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