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Joshua Whiting


I read The Octopus Museum by Brenda Shaughnessy. 📚

The Octopus Museum - Cover

Wasn’t quite as cohesive as I was hoping, but I don’t know that it intended to be.

Impulse-ordered copies of I think almost all of her other collections to read soon; used copies from 3rd-party amazon sellers because I’m an evil cheapskate. I had them checked out from the library and they were long overdue, needed to return them, so that was a step up towards paying my share.

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Reading Log Metadata / Details

Goodreads Link - The Octopus Museum (ISBN: 9780525655657)
Library Link (usually Worldcat) - The Octopus Museum
Date Started: 2024-03-29
Date Finished: 2024-03-29
Times Read: 1
Genre / Strand: poetry science fiction post-apocalyptic

Last Updated:
Format / Genre: log entries updates
Series + Sources:
Topics: books reading
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