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Joshua Whiting


Link - Reality Is Just a Game Now

Type: Essay
Source: The New Atlantis

I don’t have a quote, but this essay makes the case that we have basically gamified reality now. It’s unfortunately pretty spot on.

But I feel like maybe “reality” has always been gamed? Religion, The American Dream, class systems and economic struggles, war…

People mowing their lawn every week and getting rid of the weeds has always felt like some weird sort of game to me, a competition between neighbors. “Keeping up with the Joneses”…

P.S. This link came from a newsletter that made me feel seriously grumpy and dejected at several points. Wondering if I should have taken the advice from yesterday and just skipped it…

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Format / Genre: links quotes reading updates updates
People: Jon Askonas
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Topics: hypertext news social media reading
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