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Joshua Whiting


I've been listening to Loveless by My Bloody Valentine. 🎵

Loveless - Cover Art

I went on a really random new year’s day afternoon-evening drive out to the middle of nowhere to maybe take pictures or just whatever and got caught in a snowstorm and I listened to this album twice in a row on my drive.


I’ve been listening to a lot of My Bloody Valentine and shoegaze and dream pop and English 80s-90s indie and not-so-indie generally, as you’ll see if you click elsewhere on my recent listening log on this site.

Past Log Updates



Listening Log Metadata / Details

A 1991 Favorite
Listening Link
Genre/Description: shoegaze, dreampop, noise, blankets of sound, snowstorm music
Date Listened: 2025-01-01 18:02:46 -0700 MST
Context/Location: driving to the middle of nowhere in the middle of a snowstorm
Format/Platform: CD playing in my car stereo

Last Updated:
Format / Genre: log entries updates
Places: Echo Henefer I-80
Series + Sources:
Topics: music
Works Cited:

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