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joshuawxyz changelog 20240804

[Originally Posted: 2024.08.04]
[Last Updated: 2024.08.04]

Made significant updates to the text and layout of the home page, about page, footer, and ‘[ + ]’ menu ordering. Changed the text font to Alegreya.

Made significant updates to the text and layout of the home page, about page, footer, and ‘[ + ]’ menu ordering. Changed the text font to Alegreya.

Standalone post link: joshuawxyz changelog 20240804

A note on the type, 2024-08-04

[Originally Posted: 2024.08.04]
[Last Updated: 2024.08.04]

I’m trying out Alegreya as the regular text font on this website.

I’m trying out Alegreya as the regular text font on this website.

I’d been using Merriweather for a few years and I liked it okay, but occasionally something felt janky with the width and spacing between characters. I’ve wanted to try something else, but messing with fonts seemed like a distraction when I don’t do enough of the basic stuff here, like actually write things, or keep the home page and menu working properly.

However, seeing how excited this guy got about a cool font inspired me to start looking at fonts again. (One of the growing number of personal-ish websites I lurk follow via RSS, a topic for another time.) The font he geeked out about wasn’t the one for me, but I encountered the Novel font, tried out the demo on a local build of my site, and really got my heart set on using it. Eventually I came to terms with the reality that I can’t or shouldn’t spend that kind of money on a font for this little hobbyist website, though.

So, I pulled myself away from browsing Fonts In Use and artisan font foundries, went back to Google Fonts to settle on something I can afford. Some of the Google Fonts, such as Alegreya, do appear to have come from cool artisan font foundries, so at least there is that. I don’t think I open up my “indieweb” site to tracking and other garbage just by using Google Fonts, but I could be wrong. I’m using free services for almost every aspect of this website, so I’m likely compromised and beholden to all sorts of interests.

Headings remain IBM Plex Mono. I have a vague sense that this pairing of a mono heading with a serif is not ideal and wasn’t ideal with Merriweather, either. However, the probability that I’m breaking design rules and conventions is admittedly an energizing agent. There’s something in me that wants things to be purposefully off and ugly and wrong; part boredom with convention, and part fear of the inability to ever get it “right.” Maybe this isn’t off enough, though? Mainly I’m just weirdly committed to these precious mono headings, while I don’t want a sans font for my text because I just prefer serif fonts for printing or displaying text. So it is what it is. I can do whatever I want here, and I can always change it again, and, to quote my old favorite band’s blog quoting Jean Genet, “to achieve harmony in bad taste is the height of elegance.” These are individually good fonts, though, so is this cacophony in good taste? Power clashing? Or just sloppy, inelegant.

Standalone post link: A note on the type, 2024-08-04

Watching Log: Dune (2021)

[Originally Posted: 2024.08.03]
[Last Updated: 2024.08.08]

I watched Dune (2021). πŸŽ₯

Dune - Cover

Finally got around to this one, and Will watched it with me. Should have tried harder to see this in the theater, it deserves as big of a screen as it can get.

Finally got around to this one, and Will watched it with me. Should have tried harder to see this in the theater, it deserves as big of a screen as it can get.

On the other hand Will wouldn’t have been ready for this any time before now..

Also have Part 2, need to watch it this week.

Standalone post link: Watching Log: Dune (2021)

Reading Log: The Ministry of Time

[Originally Posted: 2024.08.03]
[Last Updated: 2025.01.01]

I read The Ministry of Time by Kaliane Bradley. πŸ“š

The Ministry of Time - Cover

I love that in the afterword the author essentially admits that a germ of this book was in fact a crush on an arctic explorer, written for the enjoyment of friends who perhaps share the romantic obsession. I had already assumed as much while reading the narrative, so it was refreshing for her to not be coy or pretentious about this.

Great reminder to me as a would-be writer that a way into this (maybe the way into this?) is to unabashedly pursue an idea that interests me, and learn and write all I can about it. When the writer is interested in what they are writing about and having fun writing it, that intrigue and fun should come through to the reader. It worked in the case of this book for this reader, at least.

I love that in the afterword the author essentially admits that a germ of this book was in fact a crush on an arctic explorer, written for the enjoyment of friends who perhaps share the romantic obsession. I had already assumed as much while reading the narrative, so it was refreshing for her to not be coy or pretentious about this.

Great reminder to me as a would-be writer that a way into this (maybe the way into this?) is to unabashedly pursue an idea that interests me, and learn and write all I can about it. When the writer is interested in what they are writing about and having fun writing it, that intrigue and fun should come through to the reader. It worked in the case of this book for this reader, at least.

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2024-08-02 :

Picked this up yesterday and tried it out simply because it had the next closest due date of all my current library checkouts, would not be renewable. Spent a couple hours reading instead of doing other things, then stayed up past midnight reading until I got too sleepy to actually finish it.

Not world-shattering but has a little bit of everything, like the blurbs say, and it’s fun. Like a lighter, funnier, more romantic David Mitchell book? (Thinking Bone Clocks, Cloud Atlas, etc.)


Standalone post link: Reading Log: The Ministry of Time

Reading Log: The Wild Robot

[Originally Posted: 2024.08.01]
[Last Updated: 2025.01.01]

I read The Wild Robot by Peter Brown again. πŸ“š

The Wild Robot - Cover

I’ve been reading this with my son - a reread for both of us, as I read it to him years ago. We finished it last night and were surprised; what we remembered as the final scenes of this book must actually be the opening scenes of The Wild Robot Escapes. Very nice flow from one book to the next, I guess? We will be moving on to the next book.

I’ve been reading this with my son - a reread for both of us, as I read it to him years ago. We finished it last night and were surprised; what we remembered as the final scenes of this book must actually be the opening scenes of The Wild Robot Escapes. Very nice flow from one book to the next, I guess? We will be moving on to the next book.

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Continuing to read this at bedtime with my son, every other night or so.

2024-07-10 :

Started reading The Wild Robot with Will tonight.

We started reading Sheine Lende the night before last but it was making Will feel quite anxious and so wasn’t a good bedtime read.


Standalone post link: Reading Log: The Wild Robot

Reading Log: Ultraviolet

[Originally Posted: 2024.07.28]
[Last Updated: 2025.01.01]

I read Ultraviolet by Aida Salazar. πŸ“š

Ultraviolet - Cover

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Standalone post link: Reading Log: Ultraviolet

Reading Log: Meet Me in the Fourth Dimension

[Originally Posted: 2024.07.23]
[Last Updated: 2025.01.01]

I read Meet Me in the Fourth Dimension by Rita Feinstein. πŸ“š

Meet Me in the Fourth Dimension - Cover

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Standalone post link: Reading Log: Meet Me in the Fourth Dimension

Reading Log: Louder Than Hunger

[Originally Posted: 2024.07.06]
[Last Updated: 2025.01.01]

I read Louder Than Hunger by John Schu. πŸ“š

Louder Than Hunger - Cover

Undeniable, probably book of the year. I have thoughts that I should articulate better, if I get brave.

Undeniable, probably book of the year. I have thoughts that I should articulate better, if I get brave.

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Standalone post link: Reading Log: Louder Than Hunger

Reading Log: Metamorphosis and Other Stories

[Originally Posted: 2024.07.06]
[Last Updated: 2025.01.01]

I stopped reading Metamorphosis and Other Stories by Franz Kafka ; translated by Michael Hofmann. [ Paused at 35% ] πŸ“š

Metamorphosis and Other Stories - Cover

Stopped after the 1912 stories and “The Stoker” because I meant to jump over to Amerika next, but then I read other things and continue to want to read other things. I do intend to still come back to this, though. I should put entries for the individual first edition published pieces I did read so at least it they come up on my reading log gallery…

Stopped after the 1912 stories and “The Stoker” because I meant to jump over to Amerika next, but then I read other things and continue to want to read other things. I do intend to still come back to this, though. I should put entries for the individual first edition published pieces I did read so at least it they come up on my reading log gallery…

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2024-07-04 :

Finally starting a deep dive back into Kafka. Intend to read most of his works in roughly the order they were written, so I’m reading the 1912-1913 works in this anthology and then I will jump out of this to read Amerika, then probably jump back into this, then read The Trial, possibly unpublished stuff like Investigations of a Dog, and so forth. Kafka stories blew my mind when I was in high school; we’ll see what happens as a 44 year old.


Standalone post link: Reading Log: Metamorphosis and Other Stories

Reading Log: booktitle

[Originally Posted: 2024.07.06]
[Last Updated: 2025.01.01]

I read You Are Here: Poetry in the Natural World by various authors ; edited by Ada LimΓ³n again. πŸ“š

You Are Here: Poetry in the Natural World - Cover

Read this back to front, basically two times, then started looking up the websites and other poems and writings of many of the poets here.

Read this back to front, basically two times, then started looking up the websites and other poems and writings of many of the poets here.

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Standalone post link: Reading Log: booktitle

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