Now (November 9, 2019)
Here are some of the things I’m working on and thinking about now…
I’m reading and reviewing children’s fiction to help determine the 2021 nominees for the Beehive Book Awards. I could always use more readers, so if you are interested and especially if you know kids who would be interested, let me know and I’ll hook you up with the list and some great books to read.
Newly obsessed with and recommitted to getting my district’s library catalog in better shape after attending a Cataloging workshop courtesy of the Utah State Library and the main cataloging librarian for the Salt Lake County Library system a couple of weeks ago. I’m even, like, regularly referencing and importing authority records and other next-level MARC record stuff like that now. Hope it is helpful.
Writing this in the “Canyon” lobby of the Natural History Museum of Utah while my son is at his friend’s birthday party somewhere in the museum. (It might be my favorite building in Utah so I couldn’t resist mentioning it.)
I started a variation on Bullet Journaling in October and so far it is going quite well, better than any other journaling, notebooking, or task management system I’ve attempted up to this point in my life. (I drafted these notes in said journal at said natural history museum lobby before posting them on this site.)
It wasn’t really my idea but we got a puppy in August. Her name is Luna. She has awesome foxlike ears with multiple points of articulation that could probably make useful contributions to the search for extraterrestrial intelligence if only she could better communicate with us what she is hearing. Sometimes she’ll go on walks/hikes with me or watch horror movies with me, but mostly she just chews on whatever stuff is around, including my children.
Continuing to work on making this website functional and useful to myself. I toyed around with doing P.O.S.S.E. with this site as my basis, but I found out I actually don’t like the reality of how it works, so I am moving towards not having this site be my source for everything but rather using it as a central curation and archival location for everything I do anywhere on the internet that I feel like is worth noting or saving.
This page was last updated on November 9, 2019. See my prior ‘now’ updates here.
Credit for the ‘now’ page concept goes to Derek Sivers. I had envisioned a page of this sort for my new website, but my concept was vague and I didn’t have a clear way forward until I happened upon someone with a ‘now’ page and followed the trail back to the source. I think you should make one too.