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Joshua Whiting



All posts and notes on this site, sorted by most recently updated/modified.

Reading Log: The Wild Robot

[Last Updated: 2024.07.26]
[Originally Posted: 2024.07.25]

I'm reading *The Wild Robot* by Peter Brown again. [ 67% ]

Continuing to read this some nights with my son.

Continuing to read this some nights with my son.


Started reading the Wild Robot with Will tonight.

We started reading Sheine Lende the night before last but it was making Will feel quite anxious and so wasn’t a good bedtime read.

Standalone post link: Reading Log: The Wild Robot


[Last Updated: 2024.07.26]
[Originally Posted: 0001.01.01]

What I am working on right now Today’s Daily Note : ="[[" + dateformat(date(today), "yyyy-MM-dd") + "]]" Yesterday’s Daily Note: ="[[" + dateformat(date(today) - dur(1day), "yyyy-MM-dd") + "]]" [[Daily Notes]] ![[Daily Note Structure and Process#Daily Note Processing]] In the Garden Beds LIST WITHOUT ID file.link + " [ last mod: " + dateformat(file.mday, "yyyy-MM-dd") + " ] " FROM "Garden Beds" Notes Created or Modified Today ="(" + dateformat(date(today), "yyyy-MM-dd") + ")" [[Today’s Notes (Notes Created or Modified Today)]] LIST WHERE file.

What I am working on right now

Today’s Daily Note : ="[[" + dateformat(date(today), "yyyy-MM-dd") + "]]" Yesterday’s Daily Note: ="[[" + dateformat(date(today) - dur(1day), "yyyy-MM-dd") + "]]" [[Daily Notes]]

![[Daily Note Structure and Process#Daily Note Processing]]

In the Garden Beds

LIST WITHOUT ID file.link + " [ last mod: " + dateformat(file.mday, "yyyy-MM-dd") + " ] "
FROM "Garden Beds"

Notes Created or Modified Today ="(" + dateformat(date(today), "yyyy-MM-dd") + ")"

[[Today’s Notes (Notes Created or Modified Today)]]

WHERE file.mtime >= date(today)
WHERE file.name != this.file.name
WHERE file.name !="Today's Notes (Notes Created or Modified Today)"
SORT file.name ASC 

Today’s Notes in Plain Text

Highlight, copy, and paste as plain text to add to daily note:

LIST WITHOUT ID "`[[" + file.name + "]]`"
WHERE file.mtime >= date(today)
WHERE file.name != this.file.name 
WHERE file.name !="Today's Notes (Notes Created or Modified Today)"
SORT file.name ASC 

Garden Paths

FROM "Paths"

Greenhouse Seedlings and Starts

LIST WITHOUT ID file.link + " [ last mod: " + dateformat(file.mday, "yyyy-MM-dd") + " ] "
FROM "Greenhouse"
SORT file.mtime DESC

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Standalone post link: ''''

Reading Log: A Snake Falls to Earth

[Last Updated: 2024.07.26]
[Originally Posted: 2024.07.05]

I read *A Snake Falls to Earth* by Darcie Little Badger again.

Read aloud with my son at bedtime some nights. We both really enjoyed it; hope for more with these characters and/or in this world.

Read aloud with my son at bedtime some nights. We both really enjoyed it; hope for more with these characters and/or in this world.

Previously read this myself a couple years ago - one of my favorites of recent years.

Standalone post link: Reading Log: A Snake Falls to Earth

Reading Log: Louder Than Hunger

[Last Updated: 2024.07.26]
[Originally Posted: 2024.07.06]

I read *Louder Than Hunger* by John Schu.

Undeniable, probably book of the year. I have thoughts that I should articulate better, if I get brave.

Undeniable, probably book of the year. I have thoughts that I should articulate better, if I get brave.

Standalone post link: Reading Log: Louder Than Hunger

Reading Log: booktitle

[Last Updated: 2024.07.26]
[Originally Posted: 2024.07.06]

I read *You Are Here: Poetry in the Natural World* by various authors ; edited by Ada Limón again.

Read this back to front, basically two times, then started looking up the websites and other poems and writings of many of the poets here.

Read this back to front, basically two times, then started looking up the websites and other poems and writings of many of the poets here.

Standalone post link: Reading Log: booktitle

Reading Log: Meet Me in the Fourth Dimension

[Last Updated: 2024.07.26]
[Originally Posted: 2024.07.23]

I read *Meet Me in the Fourth Dimension* by Rita Feinstein.

Finished reading Meet Me in the Fourth Dimension 11:17pm

Finished reading Meet Me in the Fourth Dimension 11:17pm


Standalone post link: Reading Log: Meet Me in the Fourth Dimension

Reading Log: Sheine Lende

[Last Updated: 2024.07.20]
[Originally Posted: 2024.07.19]

I'm reading *Sheine Lende* by Darcie Little Badger. [ 51% ]

2024-07-19 - 51%

2024-07-19 - 51%


Started reading this the other night with my son but it was too harrowing for him as a bedtime read, so I’ve just been continuing on my own.

2024-07-13 - 31%

So far it stays somewhat creepy throughout, with a mysterious vibe and shadow of death over everything that happens, so for the sake of my son’s restfulness it was a good call to not continue with it in that venue. We really loved A Snake Falls to Earth and I had also read Elatsoe previously. He was interested in trying Elatsoe but we decided to try this prequel first. I’m not sure if we would encounter the same issues with Elatsoe; I don’t remember it being too suspenseful (at least not in the “threat to small children” and “missing mother” elements which Sheine Lende opens with), but it does have a murder mystery element, vampires, and some creepiness. Maybe he’ll come back to this later in another way?

If there was a sequel or prequel to A Snake Falls to Earth he would read it in a second. I for one look forward to a story of the mockingbird’s chaotic misadventures on Earth, culminating with taking down the Nightmare?

Standalone post link: Reading Log: Sheine Lende

Reading Log: Metamorphosis and Other Stories

[Last Updated: 2024.07.06]
[Originally Posted: 2024.07.04]

I'm reading *Metamorphosis and Other Stories* by Franz Kafka ; translated by Michael Hofmann again. [ 35% ]

Finally starting a deep dive back into Kafka.

Finally starting a deep dive back into Kafka.

Intend to read most of his works in roughly the order they were written, so I’m reading the 1912-1913 works in this anthology and then I will jump out of this to read Amerika, then probably jump back into this, then read The Trial, possibly unpublished stuff like Investigations of a Dog, and so forth. Kafka stories blew my mind when I was in high school; we’ll see what happens as a 44 year old.

Standalone post link: Reading Log: Metamorphosis and Other Stories

Reading Log: Grant Snider Picture Books

[Last Updated: 2024.06.30]
[Originally Posted: 2024.03.29]

I read *My Words / What Color Is Night? / Nothing Ever Happens on a Gray Day / What Sound Is Morning?* by Grant Snider.

These were nice.

These were nice.


  • My Words
  • What Color Is Night?
  • Nothing Ever Happens on a Gray Day
  • What Sound Is Morning?

I meant to read every book by Grant Snider at this time (had them all from the library) but I didn’t get that far. Another time. Poetry Comics, tho.

Standalone post link: Reading Log: Grant Snider Picture Books

Reading Log: The Octopus Museum

[Last Updated: 2024.06.30]
[Originally Posted: 2024.03.29]

I read *The Octopus Museum* by Brenda Shaughnessy.

Wasn’t quite as cohesive as I was hoping, but I don’t know that it intended to be.

Wasn’t quite as cohesive as I was hoping, but I don’t know that it intended to be.

Impulse-ordered copies of I think almost all of her other collections to read soon; used copies from 3rd-party amazon sellers because I’m an evil cheapskate. I had them checked out from the library and they were long overdue, needed to return them, so that was a step up towards paying my share.

Standalone post link: Reading Log: The Octopus Museum

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