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Joshua Whiting



All posts and notes on this site, sorted by most recently updated/modified.

Reading Log: Mojave Ghost

[Last Updated: 2025.01.01]
[Originally Posted: 2024.12.30]

I read Mojave Ghost: A Poem Novel by Forrest Gander. 📚

Mojave Ghost: A Poem Novel - Cover



“Narrative, you say, is just one way of navigating time.

And those perceptions culled
by the restraints of narrative
become available to other trajectories.

Meanwhile, the future blows toward us without handholds. It is a gaping. An already. A maw.

What happens when the mind is no longer a place of duration?

If you want to resuscitate your destiny, you joked early in our relationship, start with the present…”

Past Log Updates



Standalone post link: Reading Log: Mojave Ghost

on posting updates again, and pushing to some social media sites

[Last Updated: 2024.11.10]
[Originally Posted: 2024.11.10]

Decided to start posting again and push my updates to micro.blog and then to a bluesky account I set up. Thinking about pushing to Threads as well, but not pulling the trigger on that yet.

Now to see whether it works like I hope it will, wether I stick with it or get scared, whether I actually want anyone in the world to be aware of my weird little website.

Decided to start posting again and push my updates to micro.blog and then to a bluesky account I set up. Thinking about pushing to Threads as well, but not pulling the trigger on that yet.

Now to see whether it works like I hope it will, wether I stick with it or get scared, whether I actually want anyone in the world to be aware of my weird little website.

Edit: spent too much time today playing around with this. I don’t know why some of the posts work and some look funky, and I’m not entirely sure why I’m doing this actually. I should just read stuff and email people or whatever?

Standalone post link: on posting updates again, and pushing to some social media sites

Open More Tabs

[Last Updated: 2024.10.06]
[Originally Posted: 2024.10.06]

I’ve forgotten and failed everything meta I meant to do. I’m afraid to look at this website, I’m afraid to look at my notes, I’m afraid to look at the stacks of books on and around my desk, I’m afraid to look back at all my open tabs.

Just keep stacking it on, I guess? Open more tabs. Continue to live my life occasionally and a little bit, with no commentary or performance.

I’ve forgotten and failed everything meta I meant to do. I’m afraid to look at this website, I’m afraid to look at my notes, I’m afraid to look at the stacks of books on and around my desk, I’m afraid to look back at all my open tabs.

Just keep stacking it on, I guess? Open more tabs. Continue to live my life occasionally and a little bit, with no commentary or performance.

Except this, I guess.

Standalone post link: Open More Tabs

Moonbound MIni-Site, and the Failures of Even My Parasocial Connections

[Last Updated: 2024.09.16]
[Originally Posted: 2024.09.15]

Robin Sloan’s mini-site around Moonbound is so great.

Welcome to the Dragon Moon

Robin Sloan’s mini-site around Moonbound is so great.

Welcome to the Dragon Moon

This afternoon, after I finished reading Moonbound, I read pretty much everything that is posted there so far (looks like there is more to come.)

I’m excited to see where he goes with this series next, and his virtual book tour broke my heart a little bit when he talked about his book not becoming a bestseller despite his hustle, because I recognized that though I have a parasocial connection with this author, following his newsletter for years and feeling like I know him, I didn’t even come through with a pre-order on this book for him. Some kind of parasocial imaginary friend I am.

I’m relieved he seems to be proceeding with this series, despite our collective neglect. I hope his publisher feels the same way, and I hope he’s right that it will be a slowly percolating success.

I intend to re-read it with my son if he’ll let me, as soon as we’re finished with The Wild Robot Protects.

P.S. My son for his own “challenge” read for school is starting in on that very massive Earthsea omnibus which Sloan shows in a post about Le Guin on the site.

Standalone post link: Moonbound MIni-Site, and the Failures of Even My Parasocial Connections

Two Syrups

[Last Updated: 2024.09.16]
[Originally Posted: 2024.09.15]

I made two syrups this afternoon - chocolate and lavender

I made two syrups this afternoon - chocolate and lavender

(I guess technically they are chocolate-vanilla and lavender-vanilla syrups)

Went by these recipes (two-recipe split view, since I did them at the same time in two different sauce pans)

Standalone post link: Two Syrups

Now and Next (September 1, 2024)

[Last Updated: 2024.09.10]
[Originally Posted: 2024.09.02]


  • rewilding my front yard
  • working at the same job I have had for fourteen years
  • reading a bunch of wild shit
  • walking around my neighborhood without my dog, sometimes for miles and miles


  • develop a consistent writing/making practice
  • sort out the listening log on this site
  • sort out everything else on this site
  • be social on the web again
  • go on some wilderness adventures in the fall


  • rewilding my front yard
  • working at the same job I have had for fourteen years
  • reading a bunch of wild shit
  • walking around my neighborhood without my dog, sometimes for miles and miles


  • develop a consistent writing/making practice
  • sort out the listening log on this site
  • sort out everything else on this site
  • be social on the web again
  • go on some wilderness adventures in the fall

This reflects my ‘now’ page update of September 2, 2024. Please visit that main now page to see my dynamic log galleries, as well as an archive of prior and newer ‘now’ updates.

Credit for the ‘now’ page concept goes to Derek Sivers. I tend to get aspirational when I update it, so I’ve decided to embrace that by calling it ‘now and next.’

Standalone post link: Now and Next (September 1, 2024)

Watching Log: Back to the Future

[Last Updated: 2024.08.12]
[Originally Posted: 2024.08.11]

I watched Back to the Future (1985). 🎥

Back to the Future - Cover

Will and I watched Back to the Future tonight. Literally dated film, but it’s still great.

Will and I watched Back to the Future tonight. Literally dated film, but it’s still great.

This was my suggestion. I’ve decided to try to be a little more pro-active about sharing different kinds of films and music and food and stuff with my kids, rather than just always sitting back and letting them watch whatever they’re used to.

Standalone post link: Watching Log: Back to the Future

I Can Do Whatever I Want Here

[Last Updated: 2024.08.11]
[Originally Posted: 2024.03.10]

I can

Last December I opened a fresh notebook and started with this entry. It is kind of my current thesis statement for having a website, being on the internet, trying to make stuff, etc. I haven’t followed through with these ideas so far, but I feel like putting it up on the website is a start.

I can

Last December I opened a fresh notebook and started with this entry. It is kind of my current thesis statement for having a website, being on the internet, trying to make stuff, etc. I haven’t followed through with these ideas so far, but I feel like putting it up on the website is a start.

(A text transcription follows the notebook scan images.)

I can do whatever I want here - notebook page scan

Maybe what I mean is art - notebook page scan

I can

[sketch1 - self-portrait of sorts, though no beard]

I should probably remember or remind myself that I met Gin2 because I wrote a blog about random stuff I was interested in

I’ve been so jaded but creating and sharing stuff on the internet is maybe probably still a worthwhile endeavor

notice I didn’t say “social media”
but I kind of mean social media but also not
media that can be social?
media that can build connection, understanding, community?
isn’t that all good media? digital or analog? art? do I mean art?

I think maybe what I really mean
by all of this

Going to let that sit here and see how it feels in the coming days

creating things and sharing things


express myself
have fun / play around with
connect with other people
make and do interesting things
learn stuff
make the world better somehow? (too much to ask)

art basically
or being human
in a good way
“the humanities”

[it is well]
[the evening and the morning
were the first day]
[light] [salt]
[life] [death]
[growth] [decay]
[seeds] [trees]
[air] [breath] [vacuum]
[nebula] [supernova]
[creation through destruction]34

2023-12-17 after 11:30pm


  1. Never in my life since probably kindergarten have I drawn or sketched anything that I didn’t absolutely have to (like for a math assignment or a game or something) - I decided early on that drawing or any visual “art” wasn’t my thing, wasn’t in my skillset, wasn’t for me to attempt to do. But in this notebook and in my 40s I’ve decided I can let myself try to occasionally sketch things, that there is nothing to lose and nothing to prove, that I don’t care about sharing it and I’m actually kind of happy about it. ↩︎

  2. Gin is my spouse of almost 16 years now. In 2007 I wrote a post on my random blog about going to an art exhibit. Gin was searching for information about paintings in that exhibit and my blog post came up in her search results; she started commenting on my blog and blogstalking me. We got married in 2008. ↩︎

  3. I guess my brain still sometimes thinks in scripture and poetry when I let it ↩︎

  4. Markdown might be a problem for trying to space out poems and word collections like I want to - maybe there is a way to do it in Markdown like a typewriter and respect the manual spacing? Need to research this, but not before getting this posted so I don’t lose my nerves. ↩︎

Standalone post link: I Can Do Whatever I Want Here

Murky Shimmer | Picture Not Taken

[Last Updated: 2024.08.11]
[Originally Posted: 2024.08.11]

I saw several fish swimming in the creek1 this morning, as many as eight to twelve. A grey ghostly shadowed slow shimmering of fins and scales in a protected pocket of murky water beneath the rough old rock wall, across on the neighbor’s side.2 I didn’t think I could capture them sufficiently in a photograph or video, especially at that distance.

I saw several fish swimming in the creek1 this morning, as many as eight to twelve. A grey ghostly shadowed slow shimmering of fins and scales in a protected pocket of murky water beneath the rough old rock wall, across on the neighbor’s side.2 I didn’t think I could capture them sufficiently in a photograph or video, especially at that distance.

They looked a little sickly or diseased to me, but perhaps I am projecting that onto them because the creek smells foul these days, and I understand it to be somewhat polluted, both from readings (see link in1 below) and past personal observations3. In actuality I guess these fish are flourishing? I’ll check on them again soon.

  1. My backyard abuts a suburban/urban creek, Big Cottonwood Creek ↩︎

  2. I’m aware this sentence is extra but I can do whatever I want here; I can cherish and protect all my darlings. ↩︎

  3. One firsthand example: based on strong auditory evidence followed by visual confirmation of black plastic casing debris floating downstream, I have reason to believe that on a certain afternoon a couple of years ago my neighbors a few houses upstream disposed of at least one television set (a 1990s-era CRT/“box”-style model) by heaving or toppling it into the creek. ↩︎

Standalone post link: Murky Shimmer | Picture Not Taken

You Have New Memories

[Last Updated: 2024.08.11]
[Originally Posted: 2024.08.11]

‘You have new memories of your relatives’ [Email Notification]

‘You Have New Memories of Your Relatives’ Familysearch Email Screenshot - Detail

‘See memories’ [Action]

Not sure how this actually works, but I’m curious and a bit creeped out on the concept of receiving “new memories” and being notified about them via an email message.

‘You have new memories of your relatives’ [Email Notification]

‘You Have New Memories of Your Relatives’ Familysearch Email Screenshot - Detail

‘See memories’ [Action]

Not sure how this actually works, but I’m curious and a bit creeped out on the concept of receiving “new memories” and being notified about them via an email message.

‘You Have New Memories of Your Relatives’ Familysearch Email Screenshot

Personal revelation? Phone as urim and thummim? The whisperings of the holy spirit via a neural interface?

Standalone post link: You Have New Memories

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