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Joshua Whiting


The Promise Ring: Nothing Feels Good

Nothing Feels Good - Cover

Listening Link

Genre/Description: I don't know Billy Ocean and I don't know the ocean floor

Date Listened: 2024-03-15 11:11:11 -0600 -0600
Context/Location: driving, working, etc.
Format/Platform: Phone / Apple Music, but I have that CD somewhere. Need to get my CDs out.

For some reason my annual springtime Jay Som listen made me think of this album and 90s midwest emo in general, and I’m so glad I dug it out and listened to it. Somehow in the late 90s a track from this album got airplay on X-96 one evening in between “Bullet with Butterfly Wings” and “Loser” or whatever they were usually playing and still I think play 25 years later, and I happened to hear it. It stuck with me; I remembered the band name and that I liked it through two years of Mormon mission, but didn’t find or hear the album until college, when I was in the Graywhale by the University of Utah and found a section I’d never paid attention to with the strange-to-me label of “indie”, and there in that section was this album, with it’s ironic retro colorfulness and white CD case backing. This album was my conscious entry point to the world of “indie rock”, emo, Pitchfork, etc.

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