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Joshua Whiting




I suppose I could just fill up a notebook with random stuff all day

I suppose I could just fill up a notebook with random stuff all day.

I suppose I could just fill up the internet with random stuff all day.

[ Full post: ''randomstuffallday'' ]


So I have digital and physical notebooks and a phone and computer filled with photos and random things from the last year that I haven’t shared or done anything with, and I’m seriously considering just starting to go through and post backdated stuff on this website, and on the various social media channels.

[ Full post: ''backdated'' ]


Coming out of social media retirement to tell you about the Tandoori Chicken Tin I had for lunch today from O’Falafel Etc. Wish I had taken a photo of this dish, because the picture on their website doesn’t do justice to the masterpiece of fresh take-out I received.

[ Full post: ''ofalafeltandooritin'' ]


Kicking myself because I just missed being able to buy/download this collection from Nyege Nyege (now it is 666 Euros to buy and it can’t be streamed.)

L’Esprit de Nyege 2020 - Cover Art

But I found a decent mixtape based on the collection on Soundcloud.

[ Full post: Listening: L'Esprit de Nyege 2020 ]


Started reading The Selected Works of Audre Lorde last night. Wow.

Selected Works of Audre Lorde on my kitchen counter

[ Full post: Reading: The Selected Works of Audre Lorde ]


Making some little moves again on my website in prep to possibly come out of social media retirement.

Been like a year - remains to be seen whether I can finally dissuade myself from getting distracted, disheartened, disinterested, dispirited, or otherwise discouraged.

[ Full post: ''makingmoves-disco'' ]


I watched Born in Flames (1983), written, directed, and edited by Lizzie Borden.

Born in Flames Movie Poster

[ Full post: ''borninflames'' ]


I watched the movie Soul last night, and I loved it.

Soul Movie Poster

[ Full post: ''soul'' ]


Did I somehow call forth the winds and fires by listening to this album so fervently last week?

I was just excited about fall, and autumnal black metal…

Autumn Eternal by Panopticon

[ Full post: ''autumneternal'' ]


The school district received a herd of ponies. I was supposed to catalog them, barcode them, and figure out a good protocol for checking them out to students.

They were all in an old corral out in the desert, and seemed wild and restless, as if perhaps they had just been captured and swept in from that desert and we hadn’t exactly been told the truth about their (lack of) training. Also, it didn’t seem like anyone was taking care of them out there so it was maybe going to fall to me to feed them, scrape out their hooves, and do whatever else needs to be done for horses. I don’t know anything about horses.

[ Full post: A Horse Called Dreamer ]

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