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Joshua Whiting


Now (January 2, 2023)

Here are some of the things I’m working on and thinking about now…

  • Finishing up a winter holiday break and starting the new year with this ‘now’ update. Spent a lot of nice, casual time with my family, and successfully avoided doing any work off the clock, other than glancing at my email occasionally and making a few notes and plans (see below.)

  • I’m trying my hand at digital gardening and note-making in earnest, using Obsidian as my primary tool. My new digital garden is private, but I may publish elements of it here once I get things more established.

  • Winter break work plan, which I hope I can hold to once actually back at work: also adopt a digital gardening approach at work, with a view to develop a new knowledgebase for library and technology staff, create and curate more learning resources, etc. Our websites and instructions are showing their years.

  • Developing new workflows and methods for MARC record acquisition/creation/editing and other obscure but necessary library and technology inventory tasks so as to be able to focus more energy on digital collection development and the resource creation mentioned above.

  • Trying to predict the Newbery by focusing a lot of my reading on middle grade books, especially some of the likely contenders. Goal is to predict the Newbery or at least to have a good chance of already having read the winner before it wins. Underlying, better goal is simply to find/read/recommend good books for kids.

  • Getting beyond overthinking and overreading about films and finally just going to see a bunch of movies. I’ve joined a flexible 2023 watch challenge on Letterboxd, and then I’ve created two other watch challenges for myself: the Silent Films x Public Domain Challenge 2023 and Spielberg 2023.

This page was last updated on January 3, 2023. See my prior ‘now’ updates here.

Credit for the ‘now’ page concept goes to Derek Sivers.

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Format / Genre: updates
People: Joshua Whiting
Series + Sources: now
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Copyright 2005-2024 Joshua David Whiting. Made in Millcreek, Utah, USA. Contact me. Built with Hugo and my own WP51 theme, still a work in progress. Hosted via Github and Netlify.