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Joshua Whiting


Nightreading Nightcrawling Moonwalking

Image of Nightcrawling physical book and Moonwalking digital cover on my phone on my desk in the dim lamp light tonight

Currently Reading: Moonwalking [29%]

by Zetta Elliot and Lyn Miller-Lachmann

[currently reading - started on 2022.08.19]
[Granite Sora ebook copy]

Currently Reading: Nightcrawling [28%]

by Leila Mottley

[currently reading - started on 2022.08.18]
[SLCO Library physical copy]

  1. Not sure why but I deliberately chose to cover up the part of the Nightcrawling cover with the “Oprah Book Club 2022” sticker.

  2. The desire to take this picture with the book displaying from the app on my phone screen forced me to finally get out our old Nikon DSLR camera. I’ve been meaning to do this for a while, as I’m increasingly frustrated with the supposedly great camera on my iPhone 13 mini and its well-intentioned attempts to optimize and fix everything to how a photo is supposed to look for me - I like the mistakes and the limitations, though. Now I just need to learn how to use the old camera again, probably get it cleaned up, so that the mistakes are on purpose.

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