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Reading Credit Questionmark

[Last Updated: 2022.08.11]
[Originally Posted: 2022.07.27]

Do I really need to get credit for every random thing I read and find at all interesting by semi-publicly recording it here on this website?

Maybe, yeah.

Do I really need to get credit for every random thing I read and find at all interesting by semi-publicly recording it here on this website?

Maybe, yeah.

Standalone post link: Reading Credit Questionmark

Link - Reality Is Just a Game Now

[Last Updated: 2022.08.11]
[Originally Posted: 2022.07.27]

Listens Last Week (July 31, 2022)

[Last Updated: 2022.08.11]
[Originally Posted: 2022.07.31]

The truth is I’m not listening to music right now but to backyard morning sounds: birds, creek, calm Sunday morning traffic from 1300 East, my neighbors' baby fussing a bit, an AC unit kicking on, and a single dog bark. I also really didn’t listen to a lot of music last week, between spending time at the cabin (cabin/canyon sounds are prioritized, just like backyard sounds) and people being around in the office at work when I did go back into work. There are some interesting things here nonetheless, and I have a lot of promising stuff queued up to listen to soon.

My Top Artists Last Week - Last.fm - Screenshot

The truth is I’m not listening to music right now but to backyard morning sounds: birds, creek, calm Sunday morning traffic from 1300 East, my neighbors' baby fussing a bit, an AC unit kicking on, and a single dog bark. I also really didn’t listen to a lot of music last week, between spending time at the cabin (cabin/canyon sounds are prioritized, just like backyard sounds) and people being around in the office at work when I did go back into work. There are some interesting things here nonetheless, and I have a lot of promising stuff queued up to listen to soon.

My Top Artists Last Week - Last.fm - Screenshot

Sat-Sun.2022.07.23-24 | [Playlist] New Music Friday | (2022) | NPR Music

Format/Source: Streaming - Apple Music
Location/Context: whatever

Notes: I also queued up / incorporated a bunch of new tracks I read about in various newsletters and other sources, intermixed with this playlist.

Wed.2022.07.27 | Drifting Toward the Absolute | (2021) | Josh Medina

Format/Source: sound files from bandcamp - tape music but I don’t own the actual tape
Location/Context: earphones cabin cleanup chores

Notes: Wanted something kind of lowkey natural while I washed dishes, and this came up in the shuffle first thing and was perfect. Then I listened to…

Wed.2022.07.27 | Chihuahuan Desert / Birdscapes | (2021) | Rob Frye

Format/Source: Streaming - Apple Music - tape music but I don’t own the actual tape
Location/Context: earphones cabin cleanup chores

Thur.2022.07.28 | Causers of This | (2010) | Toro y Moi

Format/Source: Streaming - Apple Music
Location/Context: driving

Fri.2022.07.29 | Connection | (2022) | The Maghreban

Format/Source: Streaming - Apple Music
Location/Context: driving, reading, whatever

Notes: First listen

Fri.2022.07.29 | Ginkgo | (2022) | Field Guides

Format/Source: Streaming - Apple Music
Location/Context: reading, whatever

Notes: First listen. Didn’t know anything about this and tried it based solely on the band name and the cover art. Not quite what I had hoped for, whatever that unfairly means, but I may have to give them another chance.

Fri.2022.07.29 | Where Have All the Flowers Gone? | (2021) | Deb Never

Format/Source: Streaming - Apple Music
Location/Context: reading, whatever

Notes: First listen

Sat.2022.07.30 | God’s Country | (2021) | Chat Pile

Format/Source: Streaming - Apple Music
Location/Context: chores, driving errands

Notes: First listen. This is another great recommendation from that record store that I unfortunately never go visit. (This is also a record I would be unlikely to ever buy on vinyl because no one else in my house ever would want to listen to this.)

Sat.2022.07.30 | God’s Country | (2021) | Chat Pile

Format/Source: Streaming - Apple Music
Location/Context: driving errands, chores, whatever

Notes: Immediate re-listen

Standalone post link: Listens Last Week (July 31, 2022)

Art Link - My Grandma Is a Meme

[Last Updated: 2022.08.11]
[Originally Posted: 2022.08.04]

Listens Last Week (August 7, 2022)

[Last Updated: 2022.08.11]
[Originally Posted: 2022.08.07]

A log of my music listens in the past week, by albums and playlists, not including completely random shuffles.

My Top Albums Last Week - Last.fm - Screenshot

A log of my music listens in the past week, by albums and playlists, not including completely random shuffles.

My Top Albums Last Week - Last.fm - Screenshot

Sun.2022.07.31 | Florist | (2022) | Florist

Format/Source: Streaming - Apple Music
Location/Context: don’t remember

Mon.2022.08.01 | Mahal | (2022) | Toro y Moi

Format/Source: Streaming - Apple Music
Location/Context: driving

Notes: getting pretty obsessed with this album now, which is usually the case with Toro y Moi, but it was delayed this time. I think I just thought that throwaway “Mr. Postman” song was so stupid when I first heard it that I couldn’t listen beyond that, just took this for a whole throwaway album. But it is as solid as anything he has ever done, with some decent psych leanings.

Mon.2022.08.01 | Orange Blood | (2022) | Mt. Joy

Format/Source: Streaming - Apple Music
Location/Context: dishes, chores, whatever

Notes: Meh. First listen to this album and this band. Feels like something I might have liked 15 or 20 years ago, but not a style or songwriting I’m excited by at this moment.

Mon.2022.08.01 | Remove Your Skin Please [EP] | (2019) | Chat Pile

Format/Source: Streaming - Apple Music
Location/Context: reading, whatever

Mon.2022.08.01 | This Dungeon Earth [EP] | (2019) | Chat Pile

Format/Source: Streaming - Apple Music
Location/Context: reading, whatever

Mon-Tue.2022.08.01-02 | Hey What | (2021) | Low

Format/Source: Streaming - Apple Music
Location/Context: reading, whatever, driving

Notes: came up on shuffle and really hit the spot - I haven’t listened to Low enough, need to change that.

Tue.2022.08.02 | God’s Country | (2022) | Chat Pile

Format/Source: Streaming - Apple Music
Location/Context: don’t remember

Tue.2022.08.02 | Hellfire | (2022) | black midi

Format/Source: Streaming - Apple Music
Location/Context: don’t remember

Wed-Thur.2022.08.03-04 | Florist | (2022) | Florist

Format/Source: Streaming - Apple Music
Location/Context: working, driving, whatever

Thur.2022.08.04 | American Rituals | (2022) | Cheri Knight

Format/Source: Streaming - Apple Music
Location/Context: driving

Fri.2022.08.05 | Mahal | (2022) | Toro y Moi

Format/Source: Streaming - Apple Music
Location/Context: driving

Notes: these songs are often in my head now and it is a good vibe.

Fri.2022.08.05 | [Playlist] August 5 New Releases | Diabolical Records

Format/Source: Streaming - Spotify
Location/Context: driving, whatever

Fri.2022.08.05 | [Playlist] New Music Friday | NPR Music

Format/Source: Streaming - Apple Music
Location/Context: whatever

Sat.2022.08.06 | i’m in your walls | (2022) | Death Insurance

Format/Source: Streaming - Apple Music
Location/Context: driving, errands

Sat.2022.08.06 | comfortably in pain [EP] | (2022) | Dora Jar

Format/Source: Streaming - Apple Music
Location/Context: driving, errands

Sat.2022.08.06 | Oil on Canvas | (2022) | AJ Suede

Format/Source: Streaming - Apple Music
Location/Context: driving, errands

Sat.2022.08.06 | Could We Be More | (2022) | Kokoroko

Format/Source: Streaming - Apple Music
Location/Context: driving, errands
Standalone post link: Listens Last Week (August 7, 2022)

a hike!

[Last Updated: 2022.08.02]
[Originally Posted: 2022.07.30]

My knee has recovered enough that I went on somewhat of an actual hike!

Luna helping me navigate the aspens on the mountainside

A Moffitish mountainside forest

My knee has recovered enough that I went on somewhat of an actual hike!

Luna helping me navigate the aspens on the mountainside

A Moffitish mountainside forest

tree mountain

View to a Moffitish Peak

(That Moffitish peak in the background here is the destination I was aiming for, but I only got half way up.)

I ended up bushwhacking a bunch and felt like I should turn around before actually getting to the peak I was hoping to reach, but I went almost 3 miles with an elevation gain of 1100+ feet, without a trail over half of the way.1

Considering that two or three weeks ago I didn’t even want to go up a flight of stairs, this was pretty good. My knee has relapsed a little bit since, but I think it will still be fine.

  1. I like using AllTrails to navigate and track my hikes in realtime, but I’m keeping the map and recording of this hike private since I started in private land and went off trail extensively. ↩︎

Standalone post link: a hike!

Grasshopper Shed Door

[Last Updated: 2022.07.31]
[Originally Posted: 2022.07.30]

Here’s a photo of a grasshopper on the door of the shed in my backyard.

Grasshopper Shed Door

Here’s a photo of a grasshopper on the door of the shed in my backyard.

Grasshopper Shed Door

I took so many shots of this guy but this is the only one I even remotely liked.1 I kind of hate this camera on my phone that tries too much to fix my photos for me. I need to get out our old late-00s DSLR, or get a film camera again, or something. I don’t think my cousin ever gave my film camera back to me, and I didn’t think that was a problem but now I miss it…

  1. I could probably go through the video I took and find some stills to pull out and crop, but I don’t have the patience for that right now. ↩︎

Standalone post link: Grasshopper Shed Door

Reading June 2022 Issue of Poetry

[Last Updated: 2022.07.22]
[Originally Posted: 2022.06.12]

Just read the June 2022 issue of Poetry.

Picture of me holding the June 2022 issue of Poetry Magazine

Just read the June 2022 issue of Poetry.

Picture of me holding the June 2022 issue of Poetry Magazine

Longer, with details: just seriously injured my knee by tripping and falling over my daughter’s bike in the garage - I was rushing through while doing maintenance on our water heater. So, instead of continuing with the water heater, I am laid up with an ice pack in my son’s bedroom, reading the June 2022 issue of Poetry until I feel rested enough to try to go upstairs to my own bedroom.

My favorite entry in the magazine was actually the closing prose essay from Shelby Handler about translating ancient Hebrew texts - “Astrological Speculum,” and Other Objects Found on My Way to the Ancestors

I might write and share more thoughts on the essay at some point - besides being beautifully written and thought provoking, it made me cognizant of some of the Jewish/Hebrew cultural appropriation I once engaged in as a Mormon.

Standalone post link: Reading June 2022 Issue of Poetry

Reading The Hobbit with my son

[Last Updated: 2022.07.22]
[Originally Posted: 2022.06.14]

I’m reading The Hobbit with my son at bedtime now.

Picture of me holding my copy of The Hobbit that I am reading with my son

I’m reading The Hobbit with my son at bedtime now.

Picture of me holding my copy of The Hobbit that I am reading with my son

We hit 21% completion tonight, so according to my new reading update ‘best practices’ I can post about it now.

Standalone post link: Reading The Hobbit with my son

Reading Thoreau's A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers

[Last Updated: 2022.07.22]
[Originally Posted: 2022.06.19]

i’m paddling my way through Thoreau’s A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers, though it is definitely taking me more than a week.

Picture of my Library of America Thoreau volume open to ‘Monday’ from ‘A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers’

I have this Library of America edition, but I’m actually mainly reading it on my phone - Standard Ebooks edition, added to the iOS Books app. The LoA edition has reference notes, so I look at it when I can, but I actually like reading on my phone.

i’m paddling my way through Thoreau’s A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers, though it is definitely taking me more than a week.

Picture of my Library of America Thoreau volume open to ‘Monday’ from ‘A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers’

I have this Library of America edition, but I’m actually mainly reading it on my phone - Standard Ebooks edition, added to the iOS Books app. The LoA edition has reference notes, so I look at it when I can, but I actually like reading on my phone.

Screenshot of Thoreau Standard Ebook editions in the iOS 'Books' app

From my notebook, June 6, 2022

I think I’m more than 20% of the way into A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers now, so I can officially let myself share it.

Again, though, it’s hard not to think about all the other books I could or should be reading as well.

[Thoreau’s] going off right now about how poetry is the best thing to read and really we should just read poetry and not waste time with anything else. But he’s not exactly writing poetry himself [here], at least not in any traditional idea of poetry.

I want to read Leaves of Grass after this, but I also want to read Walden. And Spring and All. And Catalog of Unabashed Joy. And [Ovid’s] Metamorphosis. And a hundred other things. And a bunch of middle grade and YA stuff. And all the banned books. And all the digital gardening indieweb newsletter stuff. A Week, though. I should give it a week, as it says.

Snapshot of a spread from my notebook, written Monday, June 6, 2022 - portions transcribed above

Standalone post link: Reading Thoreau's A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers

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