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Grasshopper Shed Door

[Originally Posted: 2022.07.30]
[Last Updated: 2022.07.31]

Here’s a photo of a grasshopper on the door of the shed in my backyard.

Grasshopper Shed Door

Here’s a photo of a grasshopper on the door of the shed in my backyard.

Grasshopper Shed Door

I took so many shots of this guy but this is the only one I even remotely liked.1 I kind of hate this camera on my phone that tries too much to fix my photos for me. I need to get out our old late-00s DSLR, or get a film camera again, or something. I don’t think my cousin ever gave my film camera back to me, and I didn’t think that was a problem but now I miss it…

  1. I could probably go through the video I took and find some stills to pull out and crop, but I don’t have the patience for that right now. ↩︎

Standalone post link: Grasshopper Shed Door

Link - Reality Is Just a Game Now

[Originally Posted: 2022.07.27]
[Last Updated: 2022.08.11]

Reading Credit Questionmark

[Originally Posted: 2022.07.27]
[Last Updated: 2022.08.11]

Do I really need to get credit for every random thing I read and find at all interesting by semi-publicly recording it here on this website?

Maybe, yeah.

Do I really need to get credit for every random thing I read and find at all interesting by semi-publicly recording it here on this website?

Maybe, yeah.

Standalone post link: Reading Credit Questionmark

Link Nevada

[Originally Posted: 2022.07.27]
[Last Updated: 2022.08.11]

Poem Link - A Very Small Animal Entirely Surrounded by Water

[Originally Posted: 2022.07.25]
[Last Updated: 2022.08.11]

Link - Everything Is Going Too Fast

[Originally Posted: 2022.07.25]
[Last Updated: 2022.08.11]

Listens Last Week (July 24, 2022)

[Originally Posted: 2022.07.24]
[Last Updated: 2022.08.11]

A log of my music listens in the past week, by albums and playlists, not including completely random shuffles.

My Top Artists Last Week - Last.fm - Screenshot

A log of my music listens in the past week, by albums and playlists, not including completely random shuffles.

My Top Artists Last Week - Last.fm - Screenshot

Date | Album or Playlist | (Year of Release) | Artist or Curator

Sun.2022.07.17 | Beatopia | (2022) | beabadoobee

Format/Source: Streaming - Apple Music
Location/Context: chores, puttering, whatever

Mon-Tue.2022.07.18-19 | The Moon and Stars: Prescriptions For Dreamers (Deluxe Edition) | (2022) | Valerie June

Format/Source: Streaming - Apple Music
Location/Context: driving

Tue.2022.07.19 | Outer Peace | (2019) | Toro y Moi

Format/Source: Streaming - Apple Music
Location/Context: driving, whatever

Wed.2022.07.20 | Underneath the Pine | (2011) | Toro y Moi

Format/Source: Streaming - Apple Music
Location/Context: driving, working

Wed.2022.07.20 | Causers of This | (2010) | Toro y Moi

Format/Source: Streaming - Apple Music
Location/Context: working

Wed.2022.07.20 | The Moon and Stars: Prescriptions For Dreamers (Deluxe Edition) | (2022) | Valerie June

Format/Source: Streaming - Apple Music
Location/Context: working

Wed.2022.07.20 | Digital Meadow | (2021) | Dora Jar

Format/Source: Streaming - Apple Music
Location/Context: working

Wed.2022.07.20 | Comfortably In Pain | (2022) | Dora Jar

Format/Source: Streaming - Apple Music
Location/Context: working

Fri.2022.07.22 | Causers of This | (2010) | Toro y Moi

Format/Source: Streaming - Apple Music
Location/Context: driving, whatever

Fri.2022.07.22 | Underneath the Pine | (2011) | Toro y Moi

Format/Source: Streaming - Apple Music
Location/Context: driving, whatever

Fri.2022.07.22 | Comfortably In Pain | (2022) | Dora Jar

Format/Source: Streaming - Apple Music
Location/Context: whatever

Fri.2022.07.22 | Digital Meadow | (2021) | Dora Jar

Format/Source: Streaming - Apple Music
Location/Context: whatever

Sat.2022.07.23 | Hope For Sale | (2021) | Chiiild

Format/Source: Streaming - Apple Music
Location/Context: driving

Sat.2022.07.23 | Fantasy Gateway | (2022) | Cuco

Format/Source: Streaming - Apple Music
Location/Context: driving, whatever

Sat.2022.07.23 | [Playlist] July 22 New Releases | (2022) | Diabolical Records SLC

Format/Source: Streaming - Tidal
Location/Context: driving, whatever

Notes: Diabolical Records is a record store in downtown SLC that has influenced my musical listening. One of the only reasons I ever go on Instagram is to see their posts about new things in stock and get music recommendations…but I’m a little ashamed to confess that I’ve never actually set foot in their store. (I did order one of their quarantine grab bags for delivery once during the early months of the COVID.) At any rate, I owe them business and money, but going downtown feels particularly epic, and I would either find $100s in records to buy, or just as likely glance around weirdly for like 60 seconds and feel self-conscious and awkward, and then walk out.

Sat.2022.07.23 | Space Ghost | (2022) | Attia Taylor

Format/Source: Streaming - Apple Music
Location/Context: driving, whatever
Standalone post link: Listens Last Week (July 24, 2022)

Just Trees, Really

[Originally Posted: 2022.07.21]
[Last Updated: 2022.08.11]

Really, most of the time I just like sitting beneath trees, and it turns out my backyard is an extremely serviceable place for that, so no need to go anywhere else to write or work.

Really, most of the time I just like sitting beneath trees, and it turns out my backyard is an extremely serviceable place for that, so no need to go anywhere else to write or work.

And right as I was about to post this my laptop ran out of battery power, and now I have to decide whether to go inside or set up a huge extension cord or just keep sitting here and not use my laptop.

What I decided:

extension cord to my tree-sitting spot

Standalone post link: Just Trees, Really

20220718 Changelog

[Originally Posted: 2022.07.18]
[Last Updated: 2022.08.11]

I’m playing around with reorganizing almost my entire site into topic- and theme-based files and folders on the back end.

With keeping my new “digital garden” off to the side of the rest of my content, I can’t decide where to put things. It feels redudant; so I’m making the whole site into the garden.

I’m playing around with reorganizing almost my entire site into topic- and theme-based files and folders on the back end.

With keeping my new “digital garden” off to the side of the rest of my content, I can’t decide where to put things. It feels redudant; so I’m making the whole site into the garden.

Keeping most of my content in a chronological organization just doesn’t make sense anymore for the direction I want to take this site. I’ve successfully set up “stream”/“recent updates” pages and an RSS feed that pull in all the new or newly-updated posts chronologically, regardless of where in the folder structure they are located.

I’ll gradually start gathering files together that go together topically/thematically or as series. Posts clearly about music will all go together. Changelogs will all go together. Reading updates all go together. Within the reading updates, notes about a specific book all go together. Things about my backyard all go together. Random surreal essay-poem-list things (I should have more of those) all go together. If something doesn’t have a clear focus or is all over the place, maybe it will stay in the chronological notes folders?

I’ll continue the taxonomy as-is but it will just be a secondary way to make more connections between things. The whole site will be a garden; displaying whether something is a “digital garden”-type entry or note will be a matter of unique templating/post-types. I’m going to have to play around with the templating a lot more now. Always be cataloging and meta-ing, I guess…

Standalone post link: 20220718 Changelog

Give Me a Sentence...

[Originally Posted: 2022.07.18]
[Last Updated: 2022.08.11]

Give me a sentence which no intelligence can understand. There must be a kind of life and palpitation to it, and under its words a kind of blood must circulate forever.

– Henry David Thoreau, from “Monday,” A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers.

Give me a sentence which no intelligence can understand. There must be a kind of life and palpitation to it, and under its words a kind of blood must circulate forever.

– Henry David Thoreau, from “Monday,” A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers.

Standalone post link: Give Me a Sentence...

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