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Joshua Whiting


About this Website (Past Posts)

joshuawxyz changelog 20240512

Posted: 2024.05.12

Pushing up new listening, playing, and reading logs with several entries, though still not exhaustive, and with old clutter still not cleaned up. More changes, details, documentation pending.

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Changelog - 2022.08.11

Posted: 2022.08.11

2022.08.11 (committed)

  • Added a [more of ‘Title’] link at the bottom of the main microblogish rss index
  • Added [more/less] buttons to recent updates on homepage and ‘new/now’ list pages
  • Improvements to the functionality of the ‘recent images’ section of the home page
  • Moved ‘links’ into their own main section

2022.07.22 (committed)

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20220718 Changelog

Posted: 2022.07.18

I’m playing around with reorganizing almost my entire site into topic- and theme-based files and folders on the back end.

With keeping my new “digital garden” off to the side of the rest of my content, I can’t decide where to put things. It feels redudant; so I’m making the whole site into the garden.

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Posted: 2022.06.18

Update: I’m sort of trying to implement webmentions on this website. I think I’m halfway there but I don’t really have any way to actually know because I don’t have any friends and I don’t share anything anywhere anymore.

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20220613 Changelog - Taxonomy List Pages

Posted: 2022.06.13

This post’s notes about breadcrumbs helped me figure out some things with my taxonomy list pages today.

In other words, I updated my taxonomy list page template, so as to prepare for a move toward building and surfacing more topic-based pages, supplemented by changelogs such as this.

I also added another instance of the Taxonomy Tree (a.k.a. Tree of Life, a.k.a. Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, a.k.a. Cast Out from the Digital Garden, a.k.a. Site Taxonomy) to the home page of the website, utilizing my now increasingly ubiquitous [+/-] toggle buttons. Again, a move I’m making as I explore ideas around digital gardening. I’m not actually doing digital gardening yet so I don’t have anything to link to - yet.

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[This is the _default/list.]
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